T H I N D R Y S T I C K S ( 2 0 1 8 )
Performed by Frk. Jacobsen, the solo project of Anja Jacobsen.
The music is composed by Anja Jacobsen.
Throughout most of the album a band is playing, consisting of
Anja Jacobsen (vocal, drums, keyboards)
Lars Bech Pilgaard (guitar),
Lil Lacy (keyboards, choir, cello)
Nicolai Kaas Claesson (bass, cello)
Everyone contributing with personal flare and creative musicalities.
“Thin Dry Sticks” explores a field of musical and emotional tensions - between earthbound realistic settings and cosmic abstractions, between ancient Greece and 2018 Copenhagen life as well as melodic pop notions and sonic experimentation. Like a playful journey through different times and situations, the album is an ode to the poetic and surreal moments that often mingle with everyday life or dreams, e.g. the song “Doublo”. Here a windy bike ride through Copenhagen is interupted by the incomprihensible experience of being two humans in one body.
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