B Å N D M A G A S I G N E T n o 2 ( 2 0 1 8 )

Performed by various artists; Lil Lacy & Golshid Rokhzan, Anna Wærum, Syvende og Sidst, dummykopf, Kristoffer Raasted, Fritjof Nørretranders, Theodor Nymark, Pernille Zidore, Marie Louise Buch & Anja Tietze Lahrmann, union for open vocalism, Sonja LaBianca.

Båndmagasinet is a tape-magazine for sound recordings and experiments that exist in less traditional medias or formats and that therefor could be a challenge to find relevant forms of musical distribution. Båndmagasinet is made by the label Resonans in a collaboration with AUT (Aarhus Unge Tonekunstnere) and premiered on the radio station: The Lake Radio. The tape-magazine is curated by Asger Kudahl, William Kudahl and Jan Høgh Stricker.

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