A R T I F I C I A L   M O O N L I G H T S   ( 2 0 1 4 )

Performed by Travelling Tribes
Emil Jensen (vocal, guitar, gamelan a.o.)
Anders Filipsen (vocal, keybards, gamelan a.o.)
Victor Dybbroe (percussion, drums, gamelan a.o.)
Lil Lacy (vocal, cello, keyboards, gamelan a.o.)

"The debut record was one of the rare ones. Now comes the challenging second album, or not, when you work whith four musicians of such inner quality. Combined with the balanced distance to the details, that makes tones and ideas align as day-dreams that gather complete to one”
review (in Danish) of Artificial Moonlights, by Torben Holleufer, GAFFA

The album received a Danish Music Award (2015)

‘Snowflakes’ by Travelling Tribes released on the record ‘Artificial Moonlights’ that received a Danish Music Award in 2015, here performed live at HAUT, DK

‘Peaceful’ by Travelling Tribes released on the record ‘Artificial Moonlights’ that received a DMA in 2015, here performed live at Golem, Hamburg, DE

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