U N D E R O V E R G A N G - E T A U D I T I V T A F T R Y K ( 2 0 2 1 )
Audio piece and publication by William Kudahl and Lil Lacy in collaboration
Performed by
William Kudahl – walk and recording
Lil Lacy – cello, voice and music composition
Morten Lohmann Sønderskov Jensen – clarinet and bass clarinet
Golshid Rokhzan – triangel
Under Transition - an auditive imprint (English title) is a sound art piece and publication with text and photographs from the tunnels underneath the Psychiatric Hospital in Risskov, Aarhus, Denmark, recorded from 2017-2018, before the hospital closed and moved to new locations in November 2018.
Visual: Asbjørn Sand – photos and Olga Regitze – graphic design
Released by Antipyrine. The piece is part of the permanent exhibition at Museum Ovartaci.
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